October 28, 2023 9:00 AM


Trinity Bible Church of Dallas

Convictions. These are what gripped each Reformer’s heart and soul to stand boldly for the truth in some of the darkest days in church history. What started as restless questioning of the Catholic church’s teachings, it soon turned into fervent convictions to return to the sound truths of God’s word. Soon nothing could quell the strong persuasions that took root in the Reformers’ hearts and minds from the Word of God. They would not be silent, and they would not accept the false teaching that was prevalent in their day. Each of these heroic figures were used mightily by God as they rejected the theological fallacies of the day and called for a return to the purity of God’s word.

Event Format

Join OnePassion and Dr. Steven Lawson for this two-day event as we look at the life and legacies of men such as Martin Luther, John Calvin, John Knox, and others who, even in the face of opposition, stood firm in their God-given convictions of the truth. This event will follow the below format:

Friday, October 27

  • 6:00 p.m. Check-In & Registration
  • 7:00 p.m. Session #1 with Dr. Lawson

Saturday, October 28

  • 9:00 a.m. Session #2 with Dr. Steven Lawson
  • 10:45 a.m. Session #3 with Dr. Steven Lawson

What You’ll Learn

  1. A better understanding of the key figures who most shaped the Reformation and the modern world.
  2. A better grasp of those truths and principles upon which the true church is built.
  3. A stronger motivation to live for the spread of the gospel today.
  4. A sturdier foundation upon which to stand firm today in turbulent times.
  5. A brighter hope that God can still shine the light of truth in the darkest days.


Bible Conferences
Relevant topics from exceptional teachers, offered throughout the year
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Sunday Morning Worship: 8:15 & 10:15 am

We offer two worship services each Sunday morning which are typically about 1 hour and 15 minutes in duration. During the service, you’ll receive a worship guide and a free study Bible to take with you.

Sunday School Hour: 9:30 am

(No Sunday School May 26th - September 1st)


Sunday Mornings starting at 8:00 am
Nursery (0-6yr)

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